The Liebsch's Do the Rhein!

After months of begging, I was finally able to get my parents to join me for for a excursion through Germany. As their first trip outside of the United States, I have made it my personal duty to show them a good time.
They arrived yesterday morning (August 26), and they were quite perky after flying all night. They were very impressed with the small digs that I live in. Although it's really only made for one person, we're doing quite well with the suitcases in the front room and the towel rack in the bedroom. It's a bit warm, especially during the day and when we are moving about, but the fan does do it's job. Air Conditioning is not common any many buildings, especially homes, in Bonn. So, needless to say, we've been struggling with the task of trying not to sweat (too much!).
We did a little exploring through Bonn yesterday and they've become acquainted with Bus 610 that goes to and from my house. We went and toured Beethoven's Birthplace and got a small glimpse of his life both in Bonn and Vienna.

After a nap to cure the jet-lag that had set in, we got the bikes ready and went for a bike ride. We originally wanted to go to the Haribo Outlet (my favorite candy store), but the chain on the bike that my mom was riding came off (nothing to do with her bike riding skills). So, we walked the bikes back to my house and dad went to work to fix it. After a few adjustments, the chain was back on and working as good as new. This time, we went and rode along the Rhein river and they got a view of what I get to see every morning when I run.

My mom wanted to say that she "rode the bike to dinner" so on the way back to my house, we stopped at a ri verside restaurant, Schaumburger Hof, and ate dinner. Mom and Dad both had their first "German Beer." Dad drank the local beer, Kolsch, and mom and I drank Radler which is beer with lemonade. Although the beer was not cold enough for my dad as he likes his served with a cup of ice (and ice is not a regualr item on menu), It was the perfect way to end the evening.

Today (August 27), we made our way up the river to Cologne. Cologne is known for their giant Cathedral that makes the panaroma of the city. When we arrived, my parents asked how I knew how to get to the Cathedral and if I knew where I was going. I told them that we were looking for a giant church. Just then, my mom looked up and there it was - WOW! We spent a couple hours in the church between wondering around and climbing the 529 stairs to the top. My dad is still looking for ice at this point. We enjoyed the street entertainers trying to earn a Euro or two. My parents favorite was the English Speaking Break Dancers.
After the church, we took a short tour down to the riverfront and found a quaint German restaurant. Guess what we had??? The one meal my mom has been wanting to try since she got here - WIENERSCHNITZEL. It was very Yummy!!!! There was still no ice in the drinks.
We did some shopping, bought a couple of souveniers and took a picture of Michelangelo's David standing outside of the church. Mom thought he would have been bigger.

We arrived back in Bonn and made a bike ride to the infamous Haribo Candy Store. The company Haribo has a factory here in Bonn and the outlet sells the candy much cheaper than in any other store. So, if you want a Souviner - See my mom!

We continued the bike riding adventure up the Rhein to my office and then through the River Park where we ate dinner and listened to live jazz music. The flower gardens were in full bloom and gorgeous. Our dinner was delicious and capped off with iced tea - each glass had two small cubes.
Needless to say, it's been rather warm in Germany thus far and ice is a rare commodity in most places (even in homes).
After a nice walk/bike ride home, we stopped and got some Italian Ice Cream. Now, our suitcases are packed and we are heading to Munich and Southern Germany.
If you would like to count, there have been:
0 Bike Wrecks
1 Fan for my very hot apartment
2 Ice Cubes
The text and photos of all postings on this blog remain the copyright of Betsy Liebsch, unless otherwise stated. Under no circumstances should the photos or text be used without the express written permission of Betsy Liebsch. If you wish to use or publish photos or text from this article, please contact me.
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