#3 - The Spitting Robber
And we're off to explore the ways of Venice!
Before I came to Torino, Lindsay asked me if I would be interested in travelling with her on a short trip. Of course I said yes, but that I had to be back by around noon on March 1 to start work for the Parlaympic Games. Lindsay had decided that she wanted to go to Venice. Another media person at the Olympic Games had gone to Venice for one day and really enjoyed it, so Lindsay decided that she wanted to check it out.
So, we went. The date: Monday, 27 February.
After a few logistics in cancelling hotels and finding a place to store our luggage (and after a taxi ride to 3 different locations with a driver who didn't speak any English), we made our way to the Train Station. We had missed our first choice non-stop train at 1:30 that afternoon. So, we took a train that went through Milan, instead. We arrived in Milan and had about 10 minutes to get from the end of platform #5 to platform #3. Having heard that the Italian trains sometime leave a bit early, we decided it was in our best interest (so we thought) to start jogging so as to now miss the train. Realize about half way there that we had plenty of time, we continued to jog for no apparent reason but that it was fun to pretend that we were late for the train.
We hopped on the train with at least 5 minutes to spare and found an empty cabin. We shut the door once we got in and shut the curtains hoping to keep the cabin to ourselves. We had just gotten finished taking a timed picture of ourselves when the cabin door slid open and this girl came in said something in Italian and held out a sign. She was begging for money. I immediately grabbed my purse, and told the girl that we didn't have any money to give her. (Usually, people go away). However, she wasn't taking no for an answer. After I said no at least twice, she began to prepare a wad of spit in her mouth and then her eyes rolled back and she made the sign of the cross (like she was cursing us). It was a little weird. Lindsay started to do the slow motion thing and she took a really long time to find her wallet (after me telling her not to get it out). She did, however, find a quarter in her back pack which she gave to the girl who then threw it back to her. I said again to the girl that we didn't have any money. She prepared another wad of spit in her mouth and was ready to pour it on one or both of us. So, I prepared wad of spit in my mouth ready to fire back if needed. Both Lindsay and I didn't need this so, I opened the curtains, and told the girl forcefully to get out. I opened the door and raised my voice and she stepped out of our cabin and I just yelled at her in the hallway of the train to get out of our cabin and to leave us alone. Several other passengers peaked their heads ouf of the cabin to see what the commotion was. Lindsay and I then sat in our Cabin with the adrenaline running hoping that she wansn't going to come back. Lindsay also guarded the door as to not let anyone in. However, that is when we met Paolo and Piero.

After a few hour train ride, we finally made it to Venice. Check out Posting #4 for details of the Excursion.
The text and photos of all postings on this blog remain the copyright of Betsy Liebsch, unless otherwise stated. Under no circumstances should the photos or text be used without the express written permission of Betsy Liebsch. If you wish to use or publish photos or text from this article, please contact me.
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